Find high opportunity keywords and niches through our data science tools

We are quantitatively researching and ranking keywords on a big data scale, to give you keywords and niches of high opportunity.

Obtain automatic content optimization suggestions, track sentiment of your brand or company on websites and social media.

We provide you with unique analytical charts to allow you writing blockbuster viral posts with unique content.

We assist you in finding new topics to write about, that are tailored to the keywords you are targeting.

Join us by becoming our Gold Partner (limited number of licenses).

Latest blog posts:
We have analysed domain ages of 380,000 ranked pages from over 200 niches – here is what we found out
Does sentiment influence rankings – we determined sentiment of over 10 million sentences for over 200,000 ranked pages to find an answer
Will AI systems like OpenAI GPT-2 lead to dramatic changes for content generation and SEO?
One of the deepest SEO analyses of a niche you have probably ever seen

Moneyball approach for finding keywords of great value

Do you struggle to get enough search volume from rankings? Why not focus your efforts just on selection of quantitatively determined keywords, which offer above average opportunity for the effort required.

We calculate a lot of metrics for each keyword of niches, including:

  • Content Optimization Strength - average % of keywords presence in ranked pages titles, descriptions, h1 and h2 elements
  • Share of top 20 domains of the niche in total search volume, number of ranking positions, etc. for given keyword
  • Average domain age of websites ranked for given keyword
  • Average content length (number of words) of pages ranked for given keyword
  • Average content depth (uniqueness) of pages ranked for given keyword

We then calculate a combined metric from individual metrics to give you those high opportunity keywords - for which ranked pages have low content optimization, thin content, are weakly dominated or discovered by top niche domains, have low content depth, young domain age, etc.

Quantitatively compare Niches

If you are in business of setting up and running websites in different niches to earn revenue or passive income, then we can help you with valuable analytics.

If you want to move to a new niche, we have hundreds of new niche ideas for you with niches quantitatively ranked in terms of opportunity and difficulty. We quantitatively examine a host of metrics of a niche to determine its difficulty, including:

  • Share of top 20 domains of the niche in total search volume, number of ranking positions, etc.
  • Average domain age of websites ranked on keywords of the niche
  • Average content length (number of words) of pages ranked on niche keywords
  • Average content depth (uniqueness) of pages ranked on niche keywords
  • Content Optimization Strength - average % of keywords presence in ranked pages titles, descriptions, h1 and h2 elements
  • and others

Automated Content Optimization Suggestions

Each domain can be analysed in terms of rankings, estimated search volumes for subpages and from different keywords.

Automated checks for presence of top content words in subpages elements allow quick optimizations and rankings gains.

  • See rankings of domains across niche keywords
  • Find which subpages have highest search volumes and see their search contributions from different keywords
  • For any domain from given niche, obtain automated checks of presence of top websites words of keywords in titles, descriptions, h1's and h2's of subpages of domains
  • See tagclouds of words used on domains subpages and compare them to other subpages and domains.

Create Viral Posts With Our Unique And Deep Analytics

Have you wondered how the average title length, url length, number of words on websites and many other metrics change with rankings in your niche or overall? We provide you with results so you can see what are the averages for best and lower ranked pages. On overall level (with 100.000s of URLs examined) but also on level of individual niches.

We also include novel factors, such as sentiment polarity of texts, determined with machine learning. For more, read our blog post on sentiment.

Posts using this kind of analysis have proven historically to be great attraction of links and went viral. Become our Gold Partner and write one yourself.

You can see how the averages change with rankings for, among others, the following quantities:
  • Content Length
  • Domain Age
  • Domain Registration Length
  • Sentiment Polarity of Websites Titles
  • Sentiment of Websites Text
  • Content Depth
  • URL Length
  • Title Length
  • % Presence of Keywords Words in Title (Description, H1, H2)
  • Number of Words in Description (H1, H2)

Video of UnicornSEO

Product Features

Niche Rankings

Rank niches in terms of advanced metrics - average domain age, websites content uniqueness and length, search volume dominations and others. Find lucrative niches with lower difficulty.

Niche Dominators

Analyze domains which get most search volume from niche keywords - see which content is top performing for them and from which of their keywords come highest search volumes.

High Opportunity Keywords

Rank keywords in terms of advanced metrics - average domain age, websites content uniqueness and length, search volume dominations and others. Find keywords with lower difficulty.

Sentiment Analysis

We use machine learning to determine sentiments of webpages for use in rankings strategies and tracking your brand and company on social media.

Automated Content Optimization

Obtain automated suggestions for content optimization, with checks of presence of top websites words of keywords in titles, descriptions, h1's and h2's of subpages of domains

Find Top Content Words for Better Rankings

See most frequently used topic words of top domains on a keyword level and use them for improved peformance.

Average Metrics For Rankings

See how title length and other metrics vary with search rank position. Ideal for viral blog posts.

Topic Modelling and Clustering

Use our topic modelling and clustering tool for creating insigtful new interlinked webpages.

Topic Modelling and Clustering

Use of natural language processing (NLP) and other machine learning techniques and frameworks (Word2Vec, etc.) for Topic Modelling and Clustering

We analyse hundreds of thousands of websites (their titles and content) to find topic models for titles and themes of websites with potential for high rankings, CTR and aligning user intent.

Top words analysis in titles, descriptions, h1 and other elements

For each keyword, we extract words with their count frequencies from titles, descriptions, h1's, h2's and other elements of ranked pages for individual keywords.

The data allows a quick visual presentation of words that dominate content elements (title, description, h1, h2) for a given keyword.

Platform automatically checks the presence of top words in respective elements of any given domain in the niche, allowing for a quick optimization of clients domains.

Categorized News Links

Do you want to know which top blogs posted about a certain topic today, like Backlinks, Google Search Engine Updates, Indexing, Paid Search, etc.? Or find all blog posts about a specific theme, like topics clustering, published in last weeks?

Each day we analyse top blogs to categorize links to interesting and specific themes.

By purchasing any of our plans, you get categorized news links dashboard for free.

Find lucrative niches or start dominating your existing ones

Compare niches. Rank them to get new niche ideas. Find high opportunity keywords. Obtain automated suggestions for content optimization. Compare domains with top niche domains. Find new ideas for topics. And much more.


UnicornSEO is an innovative data science SEO analytics platform built at company
Alpha Quantum.
Company Website: Machine Learning, AI Consulting Alpha Quantum
Other services from Alpha Quantum:
AI, Machine Learning Content Writing

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1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (EU)

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